Dentistry Services - Woman Smiling

You Have Questions about Dentures? We Have Answers!

Chances are that you didn’t come to the decision to get dentures immediately. It could have taken you months or even years to finally decide that dentures was the way you wanted to regain your smile.However, even when you make the decision to get dentures, it is important to make sure you ask all the right questions when shopping around for dentures. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions surrounding dentures at Shelby Dental Center.

What Is the Lifespan of Dentures?

While the lifespan on dentures depends on both the individual patient and location of the dentures, most dentures have a lifespan of approximately five years. 

“Because some people are harder on dentures than others, some dentures might need to be fixed around five years,” explains Scott Ford, Head Dental Technician at Shelby Dental Center. “For example, upper dentures against lower natural teeth can cause the denture to wear faster than an upper denture against a lower denture. In these cases, the dentures might need to be replaced earlier than other denture wearers.”

What Is the Price?

Everyone should have a chance to get their smile back. 

When deciding upon dentures, our team at Shelby Dental Center understands that you need to find a pair that fits within your budget, As a result, we offer four price ranges to better fit the financial needs of our patients. 

How Long Will It Take to Get Dentures Made?

At a regular dental office, it can be a week by week process to get dentures made and fitted. However, at Shelby Dental Center, we know your time is valuable, which is why we strive to eliminate the number of appointments it takes to get your dentures. 

“Our patients can get impressions made during one appointment and, then, during their next appointment have their remaining teeth extracted and leave with their new set of dentures,” explains Dr. Ford. “Most of our patients have been able to return to work after a few days. In addition, they don’t have to wait for long periods of time in-between appointments to get dentures made and fitted, making it more convenient for our patients. We also offer same-day service.”

Will My Dentures Need Adjusting?

The mouth is organic, and it changes. Therefore, there is a good chance that your dentures will need adjusting during the healing process, which is why Shelby Dental Center doesn’t charge for these adjustments.

“Even if it has been a day, a month, or a year, if an adjustment is made on our dentures, we take care of that with no charge to our patients,” says Ford. “Something as simple as a patient losing weight can cause a denture to become loose. Our goal is for patients to be satisfied and comfortable with their smile now and always.”

It is important to remember that if you do need a denture adjustment, it is not your fault. Changes to the mouth happen, and Shelby Dental Center is here to help when those changes to your mouth and dentures occur. 

What Kind of Warranty Is Given with Dentures?

Life happens, and it can happen to your dentures. Shelby Denture Center understands, which is why we offer adjustments, relines, and/or repairs for five years with no charge. 

“As your mouth heals, your mouth can begin to change shape, which would mean your dentures would need to be adjusted,” Ford explains. “Therefore, we encourage our patients to come back every few months to ensure the fit is still comfortable and doesn’t need adjusting.”

What Is the After-Care Process for Dentures?

Your care doesn’t end when you leave Shelby Dental Center. If issues arise, or you have questions, we are here to continue to provide quality care. Don’t ever hesitate to give us a call if you need us! 

To schedule an appointment at Shelby Dental Center to discuss the dentures that would be best for you, call (205) 664-1190. Our office is open Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.