Woman Considering Dental Options

Should I Get Dentures?

According to the American College of Prosthodontics, more than 120 million people living in the United States are missing at least one tooth. However, an estimated 40 million Americans are missing not just one but all of their teeth.Whether tooth loss is due to tooth decay, gum disease, an accident, etc., it doesn’t mean you should have to live without your smile. Our team at Shelby Dental Center is here to help you get your smile back, which might mean getting dentures.

When Tooth Loss Occurs…

We only have one life. Why would you want to spend it without your smile?

There are many reasons as to why people choose dentures, such as:

  • Being able to eat better
  • Filling out the appearance of the face
  • Losing all natural teeth due to injury, gum disease or tooth decay
  • Restoring your smile

In addition, when you suffer from tooth loss, you have the risk of also experiencing anxiety and depression. Tooth loss can also cause physical issues, including:

  • A change in facial structure
  • Bone loss
  • Shifting of teeth

As a result, deciding to get dentures won’t only help improve your mental health, but your physical health will be benefited, as well.

Are Dentures the Right Option for You?

The main thing to know before deciding on dentures is that it can create a fantastic smile and a new zest on life! But, you do want to learn all you can about dentures so that you can feel the most comfortable with your choice.

What Are Dentures?

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry states there will be more than 37 million Americans wearing dentures by 2020. Therefore, if you do choose dentures, you will definitely not be alone.

Dentures help to replace the tooth or teeth that are missing from your smile. When some people think about dentures, they instantly picture growing up and seeing their elderly loved one’s teeth in a glass by their bed, sitting in cleaning solution. This image can make anyone uncomfortable with dentures.

In fact, if you are thinking about dentures at a younger age, you are not alone. Especially since many patients at Shelby Dental Center are within their 20s, 30s, and 40s.

The 2 Types of Dentures

There are two main types of dentures, which are known as partial and complete dentures. With a complete denture, all teeth are missing, while a partial denture might have one, three, or several teeth missing.

Since with a partial denture there are some remaining natural teeth still present, a denture is able to anchor to the natural teeth with clasps to help keep the denture in place.

However, for some dentures, a complete denture, or “immediate” denture, might be a better choice.

When a complete denture is chosen, an impression is taken of the mouth, including with any existing teeth before they are pulled. This allows the experienced laboratory technician making the denture to use the natural teeth as a guide and match them as closely as possible.

Then, at the next appointment, the patient’s remaining teeth are extracted and the denture is placed immediately. Most patients are able to return to work and/or their normal routine within a few days.

For the next few months, patients are requested to come in for scheduled appointments so adjustments and relines can be completed. Through the healing process, the bone reshapes. Therefore, relines are needed to make sure the denture doesn’t become too loose.

The Best Choice for You!

At Shelby Dental Center, we will help you make the best decision for you. We value our patients’ well-being throughout the adjustment period and healing process.

There are so many things in life you need to stress about. Your dentures should not be one of them! Be sure to speak with a knowledgeable and experienced dentist who can help you in making sure you choose the right option for you.

To schedule an appointment at Shelby Dental Center to discuss whether dentures or implants would be best for you, call (205) 664-1190. Our office is open Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.